Secondo Imbrunire
Catania, Italy
Tutors: Giulio Iacchetti and VIttorio Venezia
Host institution: Abadir Accademia di Design e Comunicazione Visiva
Secondo imbrunire was the first workshop we organized at Abadir. It was 2012 and we decided to invite Giulio Iacchetti, an italian designer based in Milan, always careful to understand the evolution of the relationship between crafts and design.
Arriving in Sicily with the curiosity to explore the possibilities of volcanic material in the production of objects, Giulio Iacchetti tried to explore the Sicilian territory using tradition as a reservoir of experiences and images to be processed for the project. Visiting the quarries, talking to the artisans, learning about the behavior of the material and the machines to treat it, observing the local production and common uses of the stone become the fundamental step to activate a process of reinterpreting the volcanic stone in a contemporary key.
Secondo Imbrunire
Catania, Italy
Tutors: Giulio Iacchetti and VIttorio Venezia
Host institution: Abadir Accademia di Design e Comunicazione Visiva
Secondo imbrunire was the first workshop we organized at Abadir. It was 2012 and we decided to invite Giulio Iacchetti, an italian designer based in Milan, always careful to understand the evolution of the relationship between crafts and design.
Arriving in Sicily with the curiosity to explore the possibilities of volcanic material in the production of objects, Giulio Iacchetti tried to explore the Sicilian territory using tradition as a reservoir of experiences and images to be processed for the project. Visiting the quarries, talking to the artisans, learning about the behavior of the material and the machines to treat it, observing the local production and common uses of the stone become the fundamental step to activate a process of reinterpreting the volcanic stone in a contemporary key.