Punto, Linea, Superficie
Summer School
Catania/Siracusa, Italy
Tutors: Thomas Freichtner and Rainer Mutsch
Host institution: Abadir Accademia di Design e Comunicazione Visiva
The Summer School, organized by Abadir Academy together with Gyproc / Saint Gobain and Impact Hub Siracusa, focused on the project of temporary devices for the Canoe Polo World Championships 2016 urban area, in Siracusa. The students, driven by the Austrian designers Thomas Feichtner and Rainer Mutsch and by the curator Andrés Fredes, designed and built two different urban furniture systems, promoting the virtuous encounter between quality companies and designers.
Punto, Linea, Superficie
Summer School
Catania/Siracusa, Italy
Tutors: Thomas Freichtner and Rainer Mutsch
Host institution: Abadir Accademia di Design e Comunicazione Visiva
The Summer School, organized by Abadir Academy together with Gyproc / Saint Gobain and Impact Hub Siracusa, focused on the project of temporary devices for the Canoe Polo World Championships 2016 urban area, in Siracusa. The students, driven by the Austrian designers Thomas Feichtner and Rainer Mutsch and by the curator Andrés Fredes, designed and built two different urban furniture systems, promoting the virtuous encounter between quality companies and designers.